A good night’s sleep is the foundation of a healthy life, and may even be a vital part. What affects our good sleep? What can we do to improve our sleep quality? We have  listed 5 things to improve sleep. Keep reading.

Johns Hopkins sleep expert and neuroscientist Mark explains the definition of sleep and its importance. Let’s go straight to why it’s important to get a good night’s sleep every night. Many things can affect sleep quality… some are complex, but some are fairly simple and easy to fix. Let’s see what you can do to improve your sleep quality:

how to improve your sleep quality

1,Use high-quality beds, mattresses, and pillows that fit your body. Start with the basics…you sleep in bed every night for 6-8 hours, so it should definitely be comfortable, supportive, the best you can arrange for yourself. The pillow should be the one that works best for you and should be the first thing you want to change (if needed). It’s a relatively cheap investment, and you can choose from a wide variety of pillows. 100% Natural, Memory Foam, Medical, Combination, Wedge, Anatomical, Contoured… There’s a pillow for everyone. So, when looking for a pillow, take your time, test it out for a few nights, and choose the one that works for you. The same is true when buying a new mattress. At the same time it is important to find a bed that fits your size and sleeping activity, it needs good quality and sturdy construction and design. Recently, metal structure beds have become very popular due to their acceptable price and good quality and durability, while having a very modern design.

how to improve your sleep quality

2, Create your bedtime routine. It keeps our minds relaxed, lowers stress hormones, and generally keeps our bodies relaxed as well. Try creating a relaxing, “slow”, calming bedtime routine, and do something that relaxes your mind and body to slowly get yourself to sleep. For example, try to go to bed at the same time every night, listen to calming music, read a book, take a hot bath, meditate, do deep breathing exercises, etc. to relax and clear your mind.

how to improve your sleep quality

3, Avoid bad routines and bedtime activities. Many things you do during the day or night can affect your sleep. Let’s just mention a few things you should avoid: drinking alcohol before bed, irregular or long daytime naps, looking at your phone/laptop or anything else that emits a “blue light” before bedtime, later in the day Intake of caffeine (it stays in your system for 6-8 hours, caffeine is known to increase blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, do the opposite of relaxation), etc.

4,Include physical activity in your daily routine. Regular physical activity increases “happy” hormones and relaxes the body. Plus, it gives you the activity you need for your body to sleep and “regenerate”. Ideally, you should do physical activity outdoors; especially since bright natural sunlight keeps your body clock on a healthy sleep-wake cycle. Physical activity can promote better sleep, but don’t do it right before bed, and make sure to let your body relax for at least an hour or two.

how to improve your sleep quality

5,Consider using a sleep-inducing supplement. Most sleep problems can be easily resolved with over-the-counter drugstore supplements to help you relax and sleep better. Melatonin supplements are a very popular sleep aid. You can also see some herbal based supplements like Ginkgo biloba, Lavender, Valerian root… Make sure to try only one supplement at a time and follow the advice of a medical professional, i.e. follow the recommendations on the packaging!

If your sleep quality is not improving, be sure to rule out sleep disorders. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome. .

Attention: This article – 5 Things to Do to Improve Your Sleep Quality has the permission from GaoMon Blogs, for Product Recommendation of GaoMon Home – Embrace The New Style of Life.


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