Rising fuel costs are a worry for all automobile owners. Most families at least own one car and families where both father and mother are working will have two cars. If you have multiple automobiles the fuel prices can cost you a lump sum from your monthly income. Also, since it is a necessary expense, it is unavoidable. Dropping kids off to school, picking them up after their swimming lessons, occasional trips that your family will indulge in, all these activities have fuel costs. And this particular expenditure seldom fits in the budget.
Most of you might be familiar with Winn Dixie Stores based in Florida. Shopping at the supermarket chain can win you some fuel perks which you can use at gas stations for a decent discount. Winn Dixie Stores, Inc., is a supermarket chain based in Jacksonville, Florida. Founded in 1925, Winn Dixie stores branches are present throughout five southeastern states of the U.S.; Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi. This grocery store is a subsidiary of Southeastern [SE] Grocers, which is one of the largest supermarket chains based in the Southeast U.S.
What Gas Stations Use Winn Dixie Fuel Perks
Winn Dixie has grocery stores, liquor stores, and in-store pharmacies. Fuel perks are awarded when you shop for groceries and sign up for Winn Dixie rewards. Winn Dixie has partnered with Shell to offer fuel perks to customers who hold a Winn Dixie rewards membership.
Winn Dixie Rewards
Winn Dixie rewards let you earn 1 point for every $2 you spend shopping groceries at the store. Every 100 points give you $1 off on groceries or at least 5c/gal off on fuel at a Shell gas station. If you enroll in the rewards program you get a Gold Status at Shell so you can easily save at the pump simply by swiping your Winn Dixie Rewards card every day.
You can either swipe your fuel rewards card at the gas station or enter your ALT ID when you fuel at a participating Shell station. You will receive 5¢/gal in Fuel Rewards savings on every fill-up. Your 14 digit ALT ID consists of your 10 digit phone number and four-digit PIN. Your ALT ID and more information on redeeming at Shell can be found on the Winn Dixie app. The Winn Dixie app helps you save all your rewards in one place.
Joining the Rewards Program
To join the rewards program you can either register for a Winn Dixie rewards account through the Winn Dixie app or start registration in any Winn Dixie store. To become a fully registered customer you must finish registration via the Winn Dixie mobile app. Only a fully registered customer is eligible to use points for savings on Fuel as well as groceries.
To activate your account after registration, scan your digital card in the Winn Dixie app or use your rewards phone number at checkout the next time you shop at Winn Dixie. This will get you started on your reward journey by accumulating points each time you make a purchase.
However, note that not every item is eligible for earning reward points. The store has listed items that are available for earning reward points on its website. Make sure you go through these items before you enroll in the program. Once you accumulate 100 points with the card you can start saving on groceries and fuel costs.
The points that you have earned transfer in amounts of 100 points for an additional 5¢/gal off the cost of fuel. For example, if your points balance is 650 points, 600 points will automatically transfer to 30¢/gal + 5¢/gal = 35¢/gal in savings. There will be 50 points left in your points balance which has to again come up to 100 points if it has to be redeemed. You can redeem up to 9900 points at participating fuel pumps.
Fuel savings are important as they are accustomed to rising charges. These expenses are almost always beyond your monthly fuel expenditure budget. Therefore, it is always advisable to have savings schemes for the fuel costs of your family.
1. How do I get Gold Status at Shell?
You will automatically receive Gold Status at Shell when you fully activate the Winn Dixie rewards program. Once you have the necessary points you simply just need to swipe the card or enter your ALT ID at the filling station.
2. How do I change my Winn Dixie rewards PIN?
You can change your rewards PIN either on the Winn Dixie app or by contacting the Winn Dixie customer service center.
3. What if I lose my Winn Dixie rewards card?
You need not carry the rewards card on you all the time. You can just scan your digital card on the Winn Dixie app or give your phone number at checkout if you are shopping for groceries. To use points on fuel, just enter your 14 digit ALT ID at the pump and your reward points will be redeemed.
4. How do I update my personal information?
You can update your personal information on the Winn Dixie app.
5. What is my 14-Digit ALT ID?
Your 14-Digit ALT ID is the 10 digit phone number you registered with while you joined the rewards program. This phone number followed by your four-digit PIN in one continuous string is your ALT ID. This can be found on the Winn Dixie app.
6. Who is eligible to register for Winn-Dixie rewards?
You must be at least 13 years old and should be living in the United States to be eligible for joining the rewards program.
7. What is the Winn Dixie mystery bonus?
A Mystery Bonus is a point multiplier coupon that you use to get bonus Winn Dixie Rewards points on your purchases. If you spend $30 or more in a single transaction, the next time you shop, open the Winn Dixie App and go to the “Wallet” section. Tap on which Mystery Bonus you want to use by pressing the “Redeem” button. Show the cashier your phone so that he/she can scan the Mystery Bonus barcode.
So next time you win a Winn Dixie fuel perk, you know you can drop by Shell and use it. We hope we have been able to help you with all the information you were looking for.
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