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$4.00 Off Zantac 150mg (24 ct. or Larger) Printable: Save $4 on any one Zantac 150mg product 24 ct. or larger. No Pill relieves Heartburn Faster. Note: Coupons need to be printed…

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$4.00 Off Zantac 150mg (24 ct. or Larger)
Printable: Save $4 on any one Zantac 150mg product 24 ct. or larger. No Pill relieves Heartburn Faster. Note: Coupons need to be printed from a desktop or laptop computer. (Sep-25-2019)

$4.00 Off Zantac 75mg (30 ct. or Larger)
Printable: Save $4 on any one Zantac 75mg product 30 ct. or larger. Just one dose lasts up to 4x longer than antacids. Note: Coupons need to be printed from a desktop or laptop computer. (Sep-25-2019)

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Sign up to recieve Zantac coupons.. You will be the first to receive product news, future money-saving offers and advice on Heartburn management..

Heartburn Prevention Tips
If you suffer from severe heartburn Zantac products provide strong relief. Get Helpful tips on how to prevent heartburn.

Expired Zantac Coupons

15% Off Zantac 150 Tablets
Target: Limit no more than one manufacturer coupon (paper or Cartwheel digital). Take 15% off Zantac assorted varieties.

$5 Off Zantac 150 Maximum Strength
In Grocery: Save $5 on the purchase of any one Zantac 150 Maximum Strength or Cool Mint 65 ct or larger or Zantac 75 80 ct. (Redeemable at CVS)

$3 Off Any Zantac Brand
Print coupon for a $3 discount when you buy any Zantac brand product 24ct or larger. Watch video and get an extra $1 off.

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