In the past few years, Amazon has undoubtedly emerged as one of the world’s most favorite virtual stores for its exhaustive range of products. Be it apparel or the latest electronic gadget in town, there’s hardly any product you can’t buy today through the brand’s portal. Amazon has single-handedly, to a large extent, revolutionized the way the world shops by bringing the commodities sold across retail outlets to a virtual interface. Knowing how to save money at Amazon is necessary for all.
Gone are the days where mommies had to visit the convenience store for every little need, but not anymore. Amazon has relieved mothers around the world from this grind by bringing everything from grocery to the latest version of the iPhone to a virtual interface.
Be it anniversary or birthday gifts, Amazon has some of the best suggestions and choices, which is why the portal has been a preferred, ‘go-to’ option. Let’s be honest, it’s the easiest way to pick up impressive gifts at attractive prices for all those loved ones. Not only do you find lengthy product descriptions that enlighten you about features and benefits, but also includes reviews from various buyers that paint a clearer picture about the commodity’s value for money. However, a question plaguing many mommies looking to buy commodities from Amazon is whether there are ways to save considerably on purchases from the popular e-commerce platform and buy these products at reasonable prices. Here are a few tips for saving money at Amazon that could prove to be really handy the next time you visit the store.
1. Try The Free Amazon Prime Trial
Have you been ignoring that ‘Subscribe to Amazon Prime’ option far too many times now, and are wondering if it is really worth the effort, we’ll state a few reasons that may end your ambiguity. Amazon has been offering free 30-day trials of its Prime edition, which makes it quite advantageous for those who aren’t too sure of its benefits.
The biggest advantage of being an Amazon Prime 30-day trial subscriber is that you become eligible for an exclusive, free 2-day shipping offer, which is applicable for hundreds of products the brand sells. You might have spent a significant amount just trying to get your stuff delivered to your doorstep, but not anymore, if you are an Amazon Prime user.
As all of you know, the Amazon Prime is one of the world’s most preferred streaming platforms that has garnered accolades for frequently delivering quality content to its viewers. Opting for the free trial gives you access to a broad spectrum of television series and path-breaking works of cinema from across the world that could prove to be a great idea for recreation.
Not just movie buffs, Amazon Prime has been one of technology’s best gifts to all you mommies. Nothing could be rejuvenating than catching up on a television series after attending the kids or cooking a meal, right? What more could a mother ask for if the same platform also accommodates shopping needs too, apart from entertainment.
If you aren’t really satisfied with what Amazon Prime has to offer over this 30-day free trial, you always have the option of backing out by not paying to continue further.

2. Opting for Subscribe and Save
This is probably the simplest way to ensure you save considerably on your Amazon purchases. Opting for the ‘Subscribe and Save’ program on the Amazon portal is the best way to bag discounts on your daily purchases for a wide range of commodities. Not only do you get those baby products, snacks, and laundry supplies for subsidized prices, but you could also have those delivered to your doorstep for absolutely free. Even if you aren’t really the tech-savvy kind who can fish out coupons for bagging massive waivers, the ‘Subscribe and Save’ should help do a great job. If you are a mommy to whom even saving a few bucks does make a big difference, this is an option you can’t afford to miss.

3. Visiting Amazon Outlet
The Amazon Outlet is probably your best bet at bagging products endorsed by the brand for really cheap. There might have been instances in the past where you ended up compromising on the price aspect by prioritizing the product quality and brand, but not anymore. The Amazon Outlet lets you strike an effective balance between all these three parameters, which is an ideal expectation of every customer across the world. Perhaps, it’s time to explore this option! A shout out to all you moms who’ve been utilizing the Amazon Fresh and Prime, the Amazon Outlet is worth a try.

4. Choosing an Amazon Student Account
Students enjoy a lot of benefits that the members of the working class don’t, and Amazon is no different either in this regard. Users with an Amazon Student account have several privileges that probably even the individuals who have signed up for an Amazon Prime are deprived of. Most importantly, a free-trial of the Amazon Student lasts as long as six months, which is much more a duration than what most brands its kind offer to users. If a couple of benefits of owning a student account are to be mentioned, those would probably be free shipping on dozens of Amazon products, as well as a massive bandwidth to store photos. That’s not all, owners of student accounts have to pay a mere $59 for Amazon Prime access for a year – much cheaper than the cost most users incur. Well, this could be one of the best birthday gifts for your child, who probably wants to make the best use of Amazon Prime. Apart from empowering your kid by helping him own an exclusive account, you could make the best out of Prime deals, from a mother’s perspective.

5. Utilizing Those Coupons and Today’s Deals
Fish out coupons that can be utilized to waive off considerably big amounts on your Amazon purchases. Most frequent users of the portal often use these coupons to ensure their purchases are pocket-friendly. The home page of your Amazon account page reveals ‘Today’s Deals’ which you need to keep an eye on quite often. Exploit these routine deals to the best extent, especially if you are looking to buy exorbitantly-priced gadgets. Using coupons is probably the most-talked about tip for saving money on Amazon purchases.
Most moms have turned tech-savvy over the years, and a large number of them have been dependent on Amazon for their shopping endeavors today. Yet, there are a lot of shopping queries lingering in each of our minds even today, don’t you agree? Some of the common queries arising in the minds of the average shopper mommy are related to making their shopping endeavors really easy on the pocket. The ideal way, to slash the prices considerably, is making the best out of these Amazon coupons. We’ve tried our best to answer some of these common queries of all you moms in this piece, just scroll down.

How to use Amazon Locker?
Well, if you are relatively new to purchasing stuff from Amazon, it’s time you know about this facility which most e-shopping portals don’t offer. The Amazon Locker helps you pick your package at a day and time convenient for you, eliminating the risk of a product lying unattended at your doorstep in your absence. You can add a locker to your Amazon address book easily after logging in. It is also important to select the shipping address, and later customers would have to utilize a unique 6-digit code to retrieve the received package from the designated slot. These Amazon Lockers are situated across 900 locations of the United States and could be at your regular grocery store, apartments, or even malls.
How to cancel Cinemax on Amazon?
Many of you might be wanting to cancel the Cinemax option available on your Amazon Prime account and are probably clueless. Well, it’s easier than you imagined. On your Amazon Home page, simply hover over the ‘Accounts & Lists’ option and then click on ‘Your Account’. The page would refresh to reveal the ‘Membership and Subscriptions’ tab with a few options listed below. Click on the ‘Prime Video Channels’ option available in the list, and Cinemax would be displayed on the screen, along with details such as a renewal date and a ‘cancel channel’ option. Click on the ‘Cancel Channel’ option on the dialogue box that would open up.

How to cancel AmazonFresh?
Although AmazonFresh offers its own benefits, being its member could cost you over $200, which is a significantly large amount to be ignored. If you feel getting your grocery from AmazonFresh is unnecessary and visiting the nearest store is a smarter exercise, all it takes is a minute to cancel the order.
The first step towards cancellation is signing into your amazon account and clicking on the dropdown menu hidden under ‘Accounts & Lists’. Next, click on ‘My Account’, followed by selecting ‘Prime – View benefits and payment settings’. The ‘Manage Fresh Add-on’ would appear. Click on it to end membership.
How to redeem Amazon gift cards?
Gift cards could prove to be really handy in reducing your shopping expenses immensely. To utilize a gift card, and most importantly redeem it for a few points isn’t really a herculean task. You need to visit the ‘Menu’ option on the home page after logging into your account, followed by choosing ‘Gift Cards & Registry’. The options to select ‘Gift Card’ as well as ‘Redeem and Check value’ are available too. Later, the claim code on the back of your card needs to be scanned using your smartphone. The page would refresh and ‘Apply to Account Balance’ option would appear. Bingo! That’s all you need to do to utilize the benefits of gift cards to the best extent. There couldn’t be a smarter way to buy a gift for your young one’s birthday or the husband for your anniversary, the Amazon gift card could be your best bet.

How to win Amazon Giveaways?
To win Amazon Giveaways, the first task is to participate in them. The chances of winning or losing are highly unpredictable, and there’s no secret or ideal path to success with the Amazon Giveaways. There are more than 1000 events of its kind available for you to participate in. So, more the number of Giveaway games you try your hands on, the better your chances of bagging a prize.

We hope these tips for saving money at Amazon proved to be useful for all you mommies striving to get the best deals on your favorite shopping. These suggestions should prove handy especially for those of you who are relatively new to online shopping, or even Amazon, for that matter, and are looking for ways to save money. A piece of advice for all you mothers reading this article is that it would be really great to indulge in your own independent research too to learn some new tips to save money through your Amazon shopping endeavors.
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